can supply your worksite, workplace or factory with all of your chemical spill and liquid spill control solutions.
We have a complete range of spill control and spill containment products for all industries and environments.
ROAR can supply every industry with the most suitable spill kit, including:
General purpose spill kits
Hydrocarbon / Oil / Fuel Spill kits
Hazardous Chemical Spill Kits
Medical & Laboratory Spill Kits
Marine & Boating Spill Kits
We can supply efficient and cost-effective spill containment units that are all compliant with Australian regulations for all applications.
Our spill containment products include:
IBC Spill Pallets
Chemical Drum Spill Pallets
Bunded Containment Units
Portable Bunding
Drive-Over Bunding
Drip & Storage Spill Trays
Drum handling & decanting
Drum overpacks, and more
Spill containment units that are specifically designed and engineered for the safe and environmentally effective storage of your chemicals and liquids and are fully compliant with Australian regulations.

Roar Workplace & Environmental Solutions can provide the right spill kit at your workplace to contain any spill that may occur.
We have a complete range of spill kits for every type of spill situation in any industry and environment.
Our range includes:
General Purpose Spill Kits
Oil & Fuel Spill Kits
Hazchem Spill Kits
Vehicle Spill Kits
Transport Spill Kits
Medical Spill Kits
Laboratory Spill Kits
Our ability to supply a complete range of spill kits means that we can help you to meet and address any risk or hazard that may occur in your workplace regardless of what industry you are in.
Roar Workplace & Environmental Solutions can provide a complete range of spill absorbents for every type of spill situation in any industry and environment.
Our range includes:
Bagged absorbents
Absorbent pads and absorbent rolls
Absorbent booms
We source superior quality absorbents from Australias best manufacturers that are used in all types of industries and are suitable for any type of chemical or liquid spill including:
Oil & Fuel Spills
Medical & Lab Spills
Bio-Hazardous Spills
Hazchem Spills
General purpose spills

Roar Workplace & Environmental Solutions can supply efficient and cost-effective spill containment units that are all compliant with Australian regulations for all applications.
IBC Spill pallets, low-profile floor bunds, chemical drum spill pallets, portable bunding, drive-over bunding, drip & storage trays, small bund spill trays, drum handling & decanting, drum overpacks, ramps and more
Roar Workplace & Environmental Solutions can supply spill containment units that are specifically designed and engineered for the safe and environmentally effective storage of all of your liquids and chemicals and are fully compliant with Australian regulations.
Our range of permanent drive over bunding are suitable in any area where a chemical spill may occur.
If your workplace stores, handles, or dispenses chemicals or liquids then it is essential to have adequate floor bunding to contain any spills that may cause injury to people or damage to property or the environment.
We can supply floor bunding that is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use and can be used in many work environmnets such as:
Chemical storage facilities
Fuel storage facilities
Pesticide & Herbicide storage facilities
Vehicle & Equipment wash bays
Chemical decanting areas
Workshops & petrol service stations

Our newest product, the Plant Nappy uses patented technology to create a smarter alternative to traditional oil drip trays. This user-friendly design ensures that no oil will spill into the surrounding environment.
Plant Nappy is the responsible solution to leaky generators and using plant equipment outdoors - Eliminate Ground Contamination
Plant Nappy® provides spill and leak containment for plant equipment. It is a lightweight, user-friendly means of spill containment. Plant Nappy® is the easy and cost-effective solution to ensuring environmentally friendly practice and avoiding potential prosecution or
fine for pollution of ground or water.

Roar Workplace & Environmental Solutions can supply your worksite, workshop, or factory with all of your chemical spill and liquid spill control solutions and spill kits.
We have a complete range of spill kits, spill control and spill containment products for all industries and environments.
Our range includes spill kits, bunded spill pallets and containment units, and spill absorbents products. You can keep your workplace and the environment safe with our range of spill control products.
Download our catalogue, Just click on the image.