Battery Collection & Recycling Service
Our Insurances, Licences, & Compliances

Insurances - Public Liability & Product Liability| Vehicle Insurance
Under our Battrecycle service we have all insurances necessary to provide you with the safe and compliant collection and disposal of your used lead acid batteries which then becomes part of the scrap battery recyling process.
In offering our service to your business we provide risk mitigation through compliant transport licences, public liability, vehicle, and personal injury insurance.
We have $20 million Public and Product liability insurance so you are assured that whilst we are on your site and even after leaving your site with your disposed waste batteries, everything is covered.
In most cases our vehicles will need to come onto your site to pickup your waste lead acid batteries and they are insured according to all relevant and necessary requirements.

Our Battrecycle service involves the recovery of ULAB (used lead acid batteries) only within NSW. Once collected they are then taken through a chain of responsibility at various facilities where they eventually are almost fully recycled for reuse.
Battrecycle is committed to helping our customers meet their compliance with all relevant EPA regulations related to the appropriate disposal of their ULAB.
Our Environmental Protection Licence Number is EPL 21249.
It relates to the following requirements.
Waste lead acid batteries
In addition to the general regulatory requirements relating to waste, the following regulatory requirements apply specifically to waste lead acid batteries.
Licensing requirements
An environment protection licence is required to transport loads exceeding 200 kg of waste lead acid batteries.
An equivalent interstate licence is recognised for transporting waste lead acid batteries between NSW and other states or territories. An interstate licence is not valid for transporting waste lead acid batteries solely within NSW.
There are also requirements under dangerous goods legislation that apply to transporting waste lead acid batteries.
An environment protection licence is required to store waste lead acid batteries received from offsite. Some exemptions apply – see Guide to licensing on the EPA website
An environment protection licence is required to treat, process or reprocess waste lead acid batteries.
Waste tracking requirements
Waste lead acid batteries destined for re-use that are transported solely within NSW are exempt from waste tracking requirements (Exemption 2006-E-2).
Waste lead acid batteries transported between NSW and another state or territory must be tracked.
Acid contained within waste lead acid batteries is not subject to the liquid waste levy.
Please click on the PDF below to view our Environmental Protection Licence.
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan

We care about our environment, from the mountains to the sea
The Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act) is the key piece of environment protection legislation administered by the EPA.
It requires licensees to prepare, implement and test pollution-incident management plans PIRMP (that include community notification and communication protocols) for each of their licensed activities according to the requirements set out in part 5.7A of the POEO Act and details contained in a regulation Protection of the Environment (General) Amendment (Pollution incident response management plans) Regulation 2012 which amends the Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Regulation 2009. (This commenced on 29 February 2012.)
Trackable waste transporter pollution incident response management plan
Trackable waste transporters have a different set of requirements for their PIRMPs because they fall under transport regulations. The template has been designed to simplify compliance with the new requirements.
The template cannot be used if the environment protection licence includes activities other than transportation of trackable waste.
Requirements for developing a waste transporter Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP)
the trackable waste transporter's PIRMP must be relevant to each vehicle transporting trackable waste and the waste being transported
aspects of the plan relating to incident or emergency management must be carried in a easily accessible place within the vehicle's cabin. This includes the required documentation relating to the load being transported and communication protocols
a complete current copy of the plan must be kept in an accessible location at the company premises
the plan must be provided immediately on request to emergency services, the EPA, SafeWork NSW (formerly WorkCover) or the local council.
Please click on the PDF below to view our Pollution Incident Response Management Plan

Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) - Batteries, Lead Acid - Collection and Disposal
Under our Battrecycle service many of our clients require a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) prior to us carrying out activities.
A SWMS is a document that outlines the high risk work activities to be carried out at a workplace, the hazards that may arise from these activities, and the measures to put in place to control the risks.
SWMS are required for high risk work activities, as defined in the WHS Regulations. For works carried out on a regular basis a generic SWMS may be prepared and used for those work activities. The content of the SWMS can be refined over time and include consultation with workers and other persons conducting a business or undertaking.