We provide Workplace & Environmental Solutions.
Thats what we do!
WHAT - Spill control and spill containment products, dangerous goods storage, workshop equipment, material handling equipment, cleaning chemicals & cleaning rags, personal protective equipment, and waste lead acid battery collection & recycling.
WHO - Councils, mechanical workshops,road, rail & infrastructure companies, waste recovery & recycling companies, and the mining, industrial euipment, and transport repair industry.
WHY - because our goal is to use our 35 years of experience with the products we sell and the industries with which we have built our trusted relationships to give our customers the best customer service that we can.
"Our pride is our customer service"
WHERE - As a Sydney based business we can supply easily to the Sydney metro area. But thats not it. We can supply our products across NSW as well as Australia wide.

ROAR WORKPLACE & ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS can supply your worksite, workplace or factory with all of your chemical spill and liquid spill control solutions.
We have a complete range of spill control and spill containment products for all industries and environments.
ROAR can supply every industry with the most suitable spill kit, including:
General purpose spill kits
Hydrocarbon / Oil / Fuel Spill kits
Hazardous Chemical Spill Kits
Medical & Laboratory Spill Kits
Marine & Boating Spill Kits

Roar can supply efficient and cost-effective spill containment units that are all compliant with Australian regulations for all applications.
IBC Spill pallets, low-profile floor bunds, chemical drum spill pallets, portable bunding, drive-over bunding, drip & storage trays, small bund spill trays, drum handling & decanting, drum overpacks, ramps and more.
Roar Workplace & Environmental Solutions can supply spill containment units that are specifically designed and engineered for the safe and environmentally effective storage of all of your liquids and chemicals and are fully compliant with Australian regulations.

Roar Workplace & Environmental Solutions can provide a complete range of spill absorbents for every type of spill situation in any industry and environment.
Our range includes:
Bagged granular and organic absorbents and absorbent powders and neutralisers
Chemical Absorbent Pads
Chemical Absorbent Booms
Chemical Absorbent Rolls
Our superior quality absorbents are used in all types of industries and are suitable for any type of chemical spills or liquid spills including:
Oil, Fuel & Hydrocarbon Spills
Paint and Ink Spills
Medical & Laboratory Spills
Bio-Hazardous Spills
Hazardous Chemical Spills
Marine and aquatic Spills

Our newest product, the Plant Nappy uses patented technology to create a smarter alternative to traditional oil drip trays. This user-friendly design ensures that no oil will spill into the surrounding environment.
Plant Nappy is the responsible solution to leaky generators and using plant equipment outdoors - Eliminate Ground Contamination
Plant Nappy® provides spill and leak containment for plant equipment. It is a lightweight, user-friendly means of spill containment. Plant Nappy® is the easy and cost-effective solution to ensuring environmentally friendly practice and avoiding potential prosecution or
fine for pollution of ground or water.
Roar Workplace & Environmental Solutions can supply a complete range of hazardous chemical and dangerous goods storage cabinets and cages.
Our dangerous goods storage cabinets and cages meet all Australian Standards for the safe storage of all hazardous and dangerous goods.
Our range Includes:
Flammable Goods Cabinets
Corrosive Goods Cabinets
Toxic Chemical Cabinets
Gas Cylinder & Aerosol Storage Cages

Roar Workplace & Environmental SOlutions are able to source from the largest range of workshop equipment manufacturers and importers in Australia.
This includes:
Pressure Washers
Material Handling Equipment
Lifting & elevating equipment
Access equipment
Workplace Safety Equipment
Air Compressors
Parts Washers
We specialise in supplying to the automotive and transport industry as well as all industrial sectors.

We can supply a complete range of cleaning chemicals and solutions including:
Hand Cleaners & Liquid Soaps
Workshop Cleaning Chemicals
Vehicle & Industrial Products
Domestic Cleaning Products
Commercial & Janitorial Products
Laundry Products
Sanitisers & Disinfectants
Our range of cleaning chemicals is supplied in commercials sizes from 5 Litre bottles up to 1000 Litre IBC pods.
With over 20 years of experience supplying high quality, Australian made cleaning chemicals we can provide your workplace almost any product under our Soapbox banner.
Not just our range of hand cleaners and hand soaps but also a full range of cleaning chemicals for every industry and environment

Roar can supply a varied range of cost-effective high quality cleaning rags to suit all industries and all cleaning situations.
Our range of premium quality cleaning rags are suitable for hundreds of cleaning applications.
The range of industries that can use our premium quality cleaning rags include automotive repair, equipment repair, mechanical, mining, and other heavy industry, printing industry, painting and decorating, and janitorial and commercial cleaning industries.
Compliant collection of Used Lead Acid Batteries
BATTRECYCLE is our service that we provide for the compliant and responsible collection and disposal of used lead batteries.
Our Battrecycle service meets all EPA, Safework NSW & Transport NSW requirements.
We collect Used Lead Acid Batteries (ULAB) from many different industries including:
Council Community Recycle Centres
Waste Collection Facilities
Automotive repair workshops
Transport workshops
Plant equipment
Forklift / EWP
Marine Industry
Earthmoving Industry
Mining Industry
Power Supply Industry

At ROAR we have access to a huge range of products from a great variety of manufacturers and importers.
We are still adding these products to our website but in the meantime you can download any of these catalogues knowing with confidence that Roar Workplace & Environmental Solutions can source them for your workplace.

Hi everyone,
I'm Adam Stein, the owner of Roar Workplace & Environmental Solutions.
For over 35 years I've provided support & customer service to thousands of Australians in the automotive, mechanical, industrial and transport repair industry, working with several different companies and providing a diverse range of many products.
In that time, I've always strived to build strong relationships with my customers based on honesty and reliability and to offer the best customer service possible.
In March 2019, I decided to give myself a new challenge, step out of the comfort zone of working for an employer, and started Roar Workplace & Environmental Solutions.
Roar is a culmination of products and services of which I have many years of experience & knowledge and I trust that this helps me to give my customers genuine satisfaction when they choose to deal with Roar.
I look forward to the opportunity to help you in your business.
Peace, health, & happiness.

Roar Workplace & Environmental Solutions are located in Castle Hill in the heart of Outer Western Sydney.
We can deliver anywhere in Sydney metro, New South Wales, or even interstate